Candidates should have a Master degree in Biomedical Sciences programs. Medical Doctors can be enrolled without a master degree. Candidates should have experience in conducting clinical and biomedical research. At least one supervisor at the home institute and the Institute for HIV Research should declare their commitment to supervise the thesis work. Both must be eligible as formal academic supervisor of PhD theses according to their national and/or institutional regulations. Candidates should be able to obtain the PhD degree before the age of 45. Candidates should be able to communicate and write in English.
All eligible applications will be examined by a PhD Committee. The selection will be based on:
- Scientific quality of the candidate – CV, study results, relevant research experience and/or publications
- Motivation
- Support letter from the supervisor
- Scientific quality of the concept note – Quality and feasibility of the research plan – Relevance to health and health development in developing countries – Coherence with research programmes at the home institute and at the Institute for HIV Research
- Contribution to capacity strengthening of the home institute and/or country
Applications have to be submitted by the candidate within 3 weeks after posting of the announcement.
Candidates should submit the following documents:
- Motivation Letter
- Detailed CV
- Recommendation letter
- Degree certificates
- PhD project concept note
Submissions received after the deadline or incomplete applications will be considered as ineligible.
Further information can be obtained from:
Dr. med. Hendrik Streeck
Institute for HIV Research
Universitätsklinikum Bonn (AöR) – Germany
Email: hstreeck@uni-bonn.de
Sonia Enosse
Head of Training Department
National Institute of Health of Mozambique
Email: enossesonia@gmail.com