

Conference on Retroviral and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle 2015

Deutsch-österreichischer AIDS Kongress, Düsseldorf 2015


HIV immunology & pathogenesis – Johns Hopkins University Sheldon Hall, 11/24/2014

HIV-specific Tfh cells induced by vaccination and natural infection, Non-Human Primate Symposium, Portland, Oregon, USA

“Immunpathogenese der akuten HIV Erkrankung”, Deutscher STI Kongress, Berlin, Germany

“CD4 T cells in HIV infection: Targets, Helpers, Killers?” University Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

“Multitasking of CD4 helper cells in HIV infection”, Infection& Immunology, Graduiertenkolleg, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany

“Clues from Acute HIV Infection for T Cell Mediated Control”, CFAR HIV Elite Controllers Mini-Symposium, Miami, USA

“T cell responses in HIV infection”, Courso Avancado de Patogeneses do HIV, Sao Paolo, Brazil

Ying and yang of CD4 T cell responses in HIV infection – CFAR seminar, University of Pennsylvania
