Study Details

Study Commencement

March 2018


Number of Participants




25€ per visit


Time Commitment

Up to 14-15 visits within 24 months, with each visit requiring between 20-50 minutes

Exception: Initial visit will require more time (around 2 hours)

Requirements for Participation

Inclusion Criteria:

  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • You
    • have an acute HIV-infection


  • have a chronic HIV infection and:
    • have not been using antiretroviral drugs for at least 24 weeks


  • have never used antiretroviral drugs


  • are not infected with HIV, are male (birth sex), and have had in the last 24 weeks either:
    • unprotected anal intercourse with at least two different male partners (partners with HIV infection or unknown HIV status)


  • a documented syphilis infection


  • a documented rectal gonorrhea or chlamydia infection



Exclusion Criteria:

  • You suffer from a significant (medical, psychological / psychiatric or social) illness or disorder that may affect the conduct of the study
  • You currently consume alcohol or a substance or have an alcohol or substance dependence that may interfere with study compliance
  • You are currently participating in a study on preventive or therapeutic HIV vaccines or have participated in such a study in the past
  • You took a drug in the trial phase within 28 days of the study
  • You need to be constantly or repeatedly taking medication for another condition that may affect your immune system (such as steroids or chemotherapy)
  • You are pregnant at initiation

For additional information, please visit our FAQ page
