

Das Institut für HIV Forschung zieht zum 1. Oktober 2019 an das Universitätsklinikum Bonn in das Institut für Virologie. Durch diesen Umzug haben wir die Möglichkeit auch in der HIV Diagnostik aktiv zu werden und unsere Studien auszubauen. Ganz besonders freuen wir uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rockstroh, Leiter der Infektionsambulanz, und Dr. Christoph Bösecke. Trotzallem werden wir unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Stefan Esser, HPSTD Ambulanz, in Essen auch weiterhin fortführen.


Frankfurter Rundschau “Gleiches Virus, ungleiche Chancen” von Pamela Dörhöfer

Porträt in “Mannschaft” von Stephan Lücke

HIV heilbar? Vorsicht vor falscher Hoffnung” – Gastbeitrag von Hendrik Streeck

Frankfurter Rundschau –” Ganze Generationen sterben an AIDS” von Pamela Dörhöfer

Spuren im Blut helfen bei der Suche nach einem HIV-Impfstoff – Interview zu pTfh Zellen in Pharma Fakten

Ärztezeitung “Ist der Schlüssel für einen HIV Impfstoff gefunden?”

Artikel zu pTfh Zellen in Schweizer Nachrichten – Gegen AIDS Impfen

Artikel im Ärzteblatt – Hendrik Streeck: Junger Spitzenforscher kehrt zurück



Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck schreibt zum Welt-AIDS Tag 2015  “So stehen die Hoffnungen auf einen HIV-Impfstoff”

ZEIT Interview mit Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck “Rückkehr der Elite”

Ärzteblatt “Hendrik Streeck: Junger Spitzenforscher kehrt zurück”

Taunus Zeitung “Fresenius-Stiftung: 1,5 Millionen Euro für Spitzenforscher

Ärztezeitung “Standort Deutschland: Mehr Anreize für Forscher nötig

Laborjournal-  “Welcome (Back)!”

WAZ -“AIDS Forscher kommt aus den USA an die UDE

Named as one of the 15 HIV Advocates to Watch in 2015


Named as the Sexiest Scientist in People Magazine‘s issue “Sexiest Man Alive 2014”.


Update Published on the First Berlin Patient – by Richard Jeffreys

Excerpt: “Yesterday the New England Journal of Medicine published a letter from Heiko Jessen, Todd Allen and Hendrik Streeck that provides an update on the case. Titled “How a Single Patient Influenced HIV Research – 15-Year Follow-up,” it reveals that the individual has mostly maintained a low viral load off ART in the intervening years, with a mean level of 2,812 copies and only one blip to 25,000 copies. CD4 T cell count has remained relatively stable with a mean of 729 cells although a figure accompanying the paper indicates there have been a couple of dips below 500 (one accompanying the viral load blip some time ago, and one quite recently). The letter also notes that the individual has the HLA B*57 allele and concludes: “Although the early initiation of treatment may have long-term benefits for certain patients, a likely explanation for control of viral replication in this patient is genetic background, regardless of intervention. Thus, this case represents a cautionary tale of drawing broad conclusions from a single patient.”


 “Expansion of HIV-specific T follicular helper cells in chronic HIV infection,” J. Clin. Invest., 122(9): 3271-80 among the “hottest” HIV/AIDS research articles in the last years

To commemorate World AIDS Day, Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch, an open Web resource for science metrics and research performance analysis explored the contents of the more than 12,000 scientific and scholarly journals indexed within Thomson Reuters Web of Science to extract an elite selection of research reports on HIV and AIDS.  This undertaking posed a particular challenge: given the volume of activity in the field—nearly 50,000 papers published over the last two years mention “HIV” or “AIDS”—how does one distinguish the truly consequential research?

The answer is to let scientists themselves show the way. A central tenet of scholarly ethics holds that, in writing up their research and describing their results for publication, scientists must explicitly acknowledge the previous advances upon which they are building—the work that has inspired, informed, or guided their research. They do this by providing detailed footnotes to specific publications. Each instance of such acknowledgement constitutes a “citation” to the previous work. Tabulating these citations, as Thomson Reuters does in its Web of Science, points to research that can be quantitatively assessed as influential and useful in the judgment of the scientific community.

To identify significant, recent work in HIV/AIDS, Thomson Reuters focused on a particular variety of highly cited report: the “hot” paper—published in the last two years and cited at a level notably higher than papers of comparable type and age published in the same journal. In other words, papers that, in terms of their significance and utility in the eyes of scientists, are particularly fast out of the gate.

– See more at:

The Antibody Raceby Andreas von Bubnoff


T follicular helper cells and HIV  by Michael Palm

Early Expansion Of Killer Immune Cells After HIV Infection May Slow Disease Progression by Sruti Srivatsan

Cells that kill HIV Harvard Gazette- by Sue McGreevey

A Slew of Science In Seattle IAVI report on CROI 2012-by Regina McEnery & Richard Jefferys

IAVI report research briefsby Andreas von Bubnoff

Attack of the killer helpers (part two) by Michael Palm


Underestimating the (CD4 T cell) helpby Richard Jefferys


Innovative work continues in effort to find HIV vaccine by Matt Schafer
